Make Payments ONLY for John T. Costa Agency, Inc and/ or Franklin Premium Financing Service, LLC.
Pay by ePay
Click Here For Payments For John T. Costa Agency
Click Here For Payments For Franklin Premium Financing Service
What is ePay ?
ePay is aquick and convenient option to send a virtual check immediately to John T.Costa Agency or
Franklin Premium Financing Service,LLC. at no additional cost to you.
#1) When submitting ePay ...please follow steps as indicated...note the account holder is not the policy holder but name on the checking account. Please make sure the correct payee is chosen.
#2) If payment is for new policy please check this is new policy. If payment is other than new policy and policy # is unavailable please use 123 as the policy number.
#3) If making payment for Franklin Premium Financing Services,LLC please use your account # where asking for policy #. If your account # is not available, please use 123 as the account #
Thank You For Using ePay!